Thursday, March 25, 2010

And So Our Qwest Begins....

Our Names: Amar, Michelle, and Rose.
Our Mission: To get our friend Shane to "The Ranch."

Our Story: So we're a group of friends who met at work and decided we liked each other enough to have morning coffee, an occasional lunch, and always a tea at three (T@3). Our conversations were usually filled with Amar discussing the latest stock reports, Michelle dishing on the latest movies she's seen, Rose providing her theories on the television show Lost, and Shane spreading the latest celebrity break up rumors

But soon, our little ole Shane kept coming to the table with tales from one Pioneer Woman (PW). She started reading this blog about a woman who left her fabulous life in LA to live on some dude ranch with a handsome cowboy and have babies. Next thing we knew, half of our coffee talk was taken up with Shane begging us to "sign up for the latest PW kitchen gadget giveaway" or "tasting her latest PW recipe for chocolate cake."

Michelle was pretty much in from the beginning, but Amar and Rose...not so much. But every day it was becoming ever more apparent that Shane envied the PW's life. She entered countless contests to eat sushi with the PW, to take photography lessons on barrels of hay, and decorate her home in the style of the guest house barn.

She was obsessed with "getting to the ranch." In her own words, "It is my destiny."

Well, since it's all we've heard about for the past year and a's now ours too I guess. So, in our own nerdy way, we've decided to blog about dear Shane's longing wish and how it affects our daily lives. We have no desire to see this ranch (well, maybe Michelle's a wee-bit curious), nor do we have any desire to meet the PW. Our expectations lie in the hope of making one friend really happy, and perhaps in changing the subject of T@3 finally!

Amar, Michelle, and Rose